Checking the Weather


I can’t recall where I found this photo but it speaks the truth.

The examples below may link or reference Indianapolis. Change the location as appropriate. And thanks to Lydia for some great tips and helping me put this list together.

Start Small

Check METARs and TAFs at the airport you're planning for as well as a few others surrounding the area.

Go Big

Check Other Sources


It should go without saying that getting a weather brief from 1800wxbrief is highly recommend. Whether you call or visit the website, get one.

Preflight Briefings– IFR Magazine "Today, the Internet gives us myriad-mostly informal-sources to figure out the weather for our flight. Here's what to look for as you brief the weather."

P.S. wttr is a fun 3-day view of the forecasted weather. It can also do a bunch of other neat stuff. See GitHub.

P.P.S. There's no such thing as a
"legal" weather brief.

Got your CFI certificate, now what?


🎉 Congrats on passing your CFI ride!

Here's a [work in progress] of some things you should do, or consider doing. In no particular order and not exhaustive.

Keep an eye out for any updates on my Basecamp.



Templeton, I’m not good enough with words to share how I truly felt about you.

You had an electric personality, a type of energy I haven’t seen in another dog.

You were caring and wise, and also snuggly.

7 moves in 10 years, you’ve been with us every step of the way.

You were a big brother to four cats and you’ve passed the torch on to Charley.

You were a companion during my good days and bad.

You were a nanny to our daughter.

You were one of my oldest and closest friends. My best friend.

We wanted the best for you and we hope we gave it.

You deserved it all.

You will not be forgotten. I miss you so much.

You were a good boy.